Sending Push Notifications– MemberMe+ & Branded App

This Guide will show you how to send Push notifications to your clients on the App.

Sending Push Notifications

Log into the MiGym admin portal at:

Go to the notifications tab from the top of the admin portal.

Click the create message button at the top of the page to create a new push notification message.

Type out your notification message of up to 180 characters. This can include a website URL if you want to direct clients to a specific web page for sales or registrations.

To send the message instantly click the post message button at the bottom of the pop up.

To schedule this message for a specific time and date, first tick the schedule it box and then select the time and date you wish for this message to be sent. Once set, click the post message button at the bottom of the pop up. This will then schedule the message.

Apps with multiple locations can also choose which locations to send the notification to.

You can also view data for previous notifications below.

This shows the message sent, which locations it was sent to and the time and date it was sent.

Use the i button to view some analytics data for the notification.

You can also copy a notification to reuse this or delete a notification if this is no longer applicable.

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