This Guide will show you how how to use the News & Info feature on your App.
News & Info
Log into the MiGym admin portal at:

Go to the News & Info tab from the top of the admin portal.
Start by creating a category folder for your articles.
1. Click the create button
2. Add a category name
3. Click the publish button on the bottom right
You can rename and delete categories using the rename and delete buttons in this section too.

Once you have your categories created you are ready to create and publish an article.
1. Select the category for the article to be in from your list
2. Type your article name in the title box at the top
3. Add your article details in the text box below
4. The formatting options can be found in the box editing tools above
5. Add your publishing range – this can be open ended if there is no specific end date
6. Click publish button on the bottom right when you are ready to publish
You can edit or delete existing articles by selecting these from the list and making changes as required. Or using the delete button.
Articles that have passed their publish dates will not be shown in your app but will still be present in the admin portal.