Creating user admin profiles for MiGym admin portal – MemberMe+ & Branded App

This Guide will show you how to create a user to access your MiGym admin Portal.

Creating Admin Profiles

Log into the MiGym admin portal at:  

Go to the Manage Users tab from the top of the admin portal.

On this page you can view the user admins created for your app. You can edit the user’s details and/or permissions using the edit button or delete their login all together using the trash icon.

To create a new user admin click the Add User button found in the bottom left corner.

When creating a new user admin, you will need to provide a username, first name, last name and email address.  

The is this user an admin? Box applies to apps that have multiple locations and grants permission for the user to manage all locations for this app.  

You must set a primary location for the user admin below by selecting add location and picking their base location from the drop down menu. 

You must then select their user permission status 

  • Manage location in app will give the user the ability to make all changes within the app admin portal. 
  • Send notifications for this location will grant the user permission to only send notifications from the admin portal for the assigned location. 

Click save changes to save the user permissions or dismiss changes to cancel this option 

Once the user has been created, they will then be sent an email from MiGym to create their Password.

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