This Guide will go through all the tiles you can set up on your Branded App home Page.
*** Remember before making any changes to your Branded App home Screen to set your active home screen to ‘Draft Home Screen’ using the drop-down menu. This will allow you to make changes to your home screen design without affecting your users live app experience.

To add new tiles to your home screen click the add new tile button above your home screen layout.

This will open a list of the available tiles that can be added to your home screen with a description of their purpose and functionality.
Favorites - The favorites tile displays the next upcoming class from the users list of favorite sessions, instructors, or locations. The default size for this tile is 3 columns wide to accommodate the space required for the dynamic middle caption.
YouTube - The YouTube tile can be linked to your own YouTube account and will take the user to this via the in-app browser.
Contact - The contact tile will open your apps contact and hours page for your users to view facility contact and location details
My Schedule+ - The My Schedule+ tile will display as a standard schedule tile for new users.
Once a user logs in and set up their favorites, this tile will show the user their favorite sessions by default.
The default size for this tile is 3 columns wide to accommodate the space required for the dynamic middle caption.
Pages CMS - The Pages CMS tile will display a blog style list of your articles categorized and created in your apps news & info feature.
Instagram - The Instagram tile can be linked to your own Instagram page and will take users to this via the in-app browser.
Self Service/My Account - The Self Service/ My Account tile can be linked to your self-service URL which will take users to your self-service log in page via the in-app browser.
Submit Feedback - The submit feedback tile will open the feedback form which will allow your users to submit opinions, suggestions, feedback, and support requests via your app
Notifications - The notifications tile is linked to your app’s notifications feature. This tile will display a list of all notification received by the user within the last 30 days. The tile will display a preview of the most recent unread notification received by the user. The default size for this tile is 3 columns wide to accommodate the space required for the dynamic middle caption.
Twitter - The Twitter tile can be linked to your Twitter account and will take the user to this via the in-app browser.
Social Checkin - The Social Checkin tile allows users to check into your facility using their own social media accounts. This tile can also be used to share the facility details via other mobile messaging services.
Switch Locations - The Switch Locations tile is for use with multi location facilities whose members can visit multiple locations. This will allow users to switch between the location on the app allowing them to view multiple location schedules more easily.
Logo - The Logo tile will display your company’s logo. This tile will be linked to your company website URL and when clicked will take the user to this via the in-app browser.
Homescreen Gallery - The Homescreen Gallery tile can be used to display a selection of images in a scrolling gallery format.
Recommended tile size for this tile is 3 columns by 2 rows and the images for this should be about 600px high by 900px wide.
It is important to match the image dimensions to the size of the tile.
This tile does not support custom tile design and can only display uploaded images.
Services - The Service tile will open your apps services list which provides users a list of quick links and contact details for additional services or partners listed under your services feature.
Announcements - The announcement tile will open your apps announcements feature. This will show users a rotating preview of your announcement images and allow them to click any of these that are linked to a specific URL. This will take the user to this via the in-app browser. The default size for this tile is 3 columns wide to accommodate the space required for the dynamic middle caption.
Image - The image tile can be used to display a single image in your apps home screen. This tile cannot be linked to any other app features or website URLS.
App Link - The App Link tile can be used to navigate your clients to another app if required. If the user has the app installed the app will be opened when this tile is selected. If the user does not have the app installed, they will be navigated to the relevant app store to complete the download.
Facebook - The Facebook tile can be linked to your Facebook account and will take the user to this via the in-app browser.
Schedule - The schedule tile will show the user the next upcoming sessions or events on the facilities schedule.
The default size for this tile is 3 columns wide to accommodate the space required for the dynamic middle caption.
New Weblink - The weblink tile can be linked to any website URL and when clicked will take users to this via the in-app browser.
Trial Pass - The Trial Pass tile will open the free trial feature which allows users to register for your facilities free trial option by completing a submission form providing their details and agreeing to your terms and conditions. The free trial will need to be created and managed externally on your booking system.
Membership Card - The membership card tile will open the membership card feature which is used to display the user’s membership barcode for use with scanning at your facilities check in. This can be set to auto generate or be added manually according to your app’s settings.
Articles - The Articles tile will open an article or set of articles within your app’s news & info feature.