Adding Users to Help Manage Your Club(s)

Want to empower staff at each location? Through the Manage Users tab, you can create new log-ins for club managers or regional managers. You can also add and remove users, and set locations for which the users will have access.

Maybe you have a Membership or Group X Director that would like to be able to load promotions for a specific location. We can provide access to push notifications and promotions on a location by location basis to different members of your staff. 

  1. Login to with your username and password.
  2. Please note: this will only be visible and editable to those users with the appropriate permissions.
  1. Adding a User
    • Select 'MANAGE USERS' from the top toolbar; highlighted in orange as shown above.
    • Select 'ADD USER' as shown above. 
    • Enter the following User Details as shown below.
      1. User Name
      2. First Name
      3. Last Name
      4. Email
      5. Check the box if the user is an Administrator
      6. Designate Permissions by Location as shown below.
      7. Choose the orange 'SAVE CHANGES' button.

If you have any questions, please contact us at

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